Podcasts I’m Listening to

Here’s a list of podcasts I’m currently listening to.

Back To Work: Merlin Mann, or “Pappy”, on work. Well, mostly on blood glucose levels and making your own carbonated water, but there’s a little about work in there. It’s worth it. The first 5-10 episodes are excellent, if I’m remembering correctly.

WTF: Marc Maron, a long time comedian, interviews other comedians. I’ve been listening to this one for almost 3 years—always good. (note: I interview Marc Maron in one of the podcasts below).

The Big Web Show: Jeffrey Zeldman interviewing people on the web. I can’t tell if I like this one or not. Earlier episodes were great—the last several haven’t been worth it. Zeldman’s kinda phoning it in, it feels.

Social Triggers: Derek’s a friend, so I listen out of respect… but then I’m always talking about the episode later on. Great stuff in here.

Huffduffer: With this fabulous little tool you can bookmarklet pages and it will extract the audio into a feed you can subscribe to in iTunes. Great for that Louis C.K. interview on NPR or to test the thing you’re not sure you want to subscribe to.

A podcast I’m running

I’m releasing a lil’ podcast myself. Matterful.co is where I’ll be dropping lil’ audio nuggets.

If you want to find out more about it, listen to the first episode where I interview Marc Maron. That gets into the back story.

Short film and song — Coastin’

This weekend we rented a beautiful cabin on the coast of Oregon. Andy, Zach, Mellisa, Aiden and I.

I wanted to try to film on my Canon 7D without a lens attached. So I tried. With one hand I held the lens and tried to adjust the focus with my finger. In the other hand I held the camera.

It was hard to get a solid, focused image, but it created a beautiful, washed out kind of look.

During Aiden’s nap on saturday I took the iPhone and guitar into the bedroom to create a moody song for the video. I used the iPhone microphone to record the guitar parts, added an organ drone, violá!

Hope you dig it. Now, with DSLRs and iPhones we can all pretend we live in Tumblr every day!

Download the song: I Need it Most

Josh Ritter on The Books

“So throw away those lamentations we both know them all too well. If there’s a Book of Jubilations we’ll have to write it for ourselves. So come and lie beside me baby, let’s write it while we still got time.”

Josh Ritter

Paul Saffo on The “Creator” Economy

“Now we are entering a third age in which the central economic actor is someone who both produces and consumes in the same act. I like the term “creator,” as this new kind of actor is doing something more fundamental than the mere sum of their simultaneous production and consumption. Creators are ordinary people whose everyday actions create value.

[…] Thus, just as the time clock symbolized the producer economy and the credit card the consumer economy, the computer mouse is the symbol of the emerging creator economy.”

Paul Saffo viaPierat