Be This Guy
Be this guy. Via Danforth.
Be this guy. Via Danforth.
I began to drink heavily after I’d realised that the things I’d most wanted in life for myself and my writing, and my wife and children, were simply not going to happen.”
It’s just an accident that we happen to be on earth, enjoying our silly little moments, distracting ourselves as often as possible so we don’t have to really face up to the fact that, you know, we’re just temporary people with a very short time in a universe that will eventually be completely gone. ”
My moral philosophy is founded on the idea that there is an objective reality, and that man’s senses can perceive this objective reality. This faculty, which is man’s reason, is paramount above all else. He takes for evidence only his own experience, his own judgment, and that is why I do not hesitate to say, objectively, definitively, that “Caddyshack” is the year’s best movie.”
An amazing cartoon illustrating a Bill Watterson quote (he created Calvin & Hobbs). Worth reading the story below the cartoon. Excellent.
Maybe that’s what real spirituality is like; you can’t tell who’s inside who anymore.”
Audio Dhamma Talks » — “Thanissaro Bhikkhu of Metta Forest Monastery is the speaker, author, or translator in all cases unless otherwise noted.”
Got to this guy from a recommendation by Dan Benjamin. There are guided meditations, introductory things and some more general “talks.” I’m sure “talk” means something in Buddhism.
“We don’t catch up, we talk.”
“My friend was going through a horrible time, so I went to her and I talked with her.”
“Let’s talk.”
They’re great, though. This guy is like the Tom Selleck of mindfulness meditation. I imagine putting my head on his chest, twisting his chest hair in my fingers as he “talks”… contemplating the deep roundness of his voice, the timbre of suffering, the tenor of meaning.
In all seriousness these are good. Meditation has changed my life forever. Wrote about it here I’m not the most regular sitter yet, but “the knife” is “being sharpened” as we “talk.”
Wondering what I’ll say to internet about this. I want to say something. It’s in my nature. These people so far away are friends of mine and there is care and love and life-long friendships in these toots and bytes”
Our second son, Rowan, passed away during labor last week. We are heartbroken. The above is a quote from something I wrote about the labor. Say what you like about the companies and the gurus and the sponsored posts and the future of social media, but I’m grateful for the cables and code that brought my far friends close.
I am losing the precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news.”
The Pixel Painter — indefatigable.