The Tom Selleck of Meditation

Audio Dhamma Talks »“Thanissaro Bhikkhu of Metta Forest Monastery is the speaker, author, or translator in all cases unless otherwise noted.”

Got to this guy from a recommendation by Dan Benjamin. There are guided meditations, introductory things and some more general “talks.” I’m sure “talk” means something in Buddhism.

“We don’t catch up, we talk.”

“My friend was going through a horrible time, so I went to her and I talked with her.”

“Let’s talk.”

They’re great, though. This guy is like the Tom Selleck of mindfulness meditation. I imagine putting my head on his chest, twisting his chest hair in my fingers as he “talks”… contemplating the deep roundness of his voice, the timbre of suffering, the tenor of meaning.

In all seriousness these are good. Meditation has changed my life forever. Wrote about it here I’m not the most regular sitter yet, but “the knife” is “being sharpened” as we “talk.”

The Matterful Monthly

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