German Word For Naughty Knowledge

Fingerspitzengefühl… a great situational awareness, and the ability to respond most appropriately and tactfully.

You don’t get there with cosmetics, you get there by taking care of the details, by polishing and refining what you have. This is ultimately a matter of trained taste, or what German speakers call Fingerspitzengefühl (literally, “finger-tip-feeling”).”

Who Can Be An Entrepreneur

What kinds of people would you say are “built for independence” was the question. Here’s my answer:

  1. Anyone can make something they like and care about and learn a few skills to sell it for a buck at a swap meet or farmers market or on a website. It might be a bracelet or a desktop background or iPhone app or door stopper or coaster or electric motorcycle or whatever… Time was when we were all business men and women, it just looked like being a shepherd or a cobblestoner or a carpenter or a basket weaver or a fisherman, etc.
  2. Not everyone can support their family and lifestyle by creating a business out of their thing they like to make. It takes hard work, grit and tenacity that many people aren’t willing to put up with.
  3. Some things are best served when they aren’t something you need to make money from. I’m reminded of a good Alan Watts quote here.
  4. Some people really, truly thrive in the role of creating an independent lifestyle doing something they care about. These people look back at their cubicle days with horror in their hearts because, like the caged lion who got free, they’ve rediscovered what they were created for, what’s in their DNA. I don’t know if this could be the case for everybody, but it’s been the case for me and for the people I serve.

George Saunders on the Artist & the Art

A work of art is something produced by a person, but is not that person — it is of her, but is not her. It’s a reach, really — the artist is trying to inhabit, temporarily, a more compact, distilled, efficient, wittier, more true-seeing, precise version of herself — one that she can’t replicate in so-called ‘real’ life, no matter how hard she tries. That’s why she writes: to try and briefly be more than she truly is.”

George Saunders

Paul Graham on Understanding the Problem

Perhaps there’s a rule here: perhaps you create wealth in proportion to how well you understand the problem you’re solving, and the problems you understand best are your own.

That’s just a theory. What’s not a theory is the converse: if you’re trying to solve problems you don’t understand, you’re hosed.”

Paul Graham

Parker Palmer on Burnout

“Though usually regarded as the result of trying to give too much, burnout in my experience results from trying to give what I do not possess.”

Parker Palmer

Another way he puts it is this:

… violating my own nature in the name of nobility.

Powerful stuff.

And here’s another way he puts it in this short video:

In my own life at least, burnout was not about trying to give too much, it was about trying to give things that I didn’t really have to give. It involved what I came to think of as a ‘high artificial ethic’ about what I ought to be doing in the world rather than an ethic that grew up from my natural giftedness and my place in the ecosystem of my own life, where I could give what grew in me. When you give what grows then that crop replenishes itself, you don’t end up in that depletion of having too little to live on psychologically, spiritually, etc.

So, it’s a tricky question because one does not want to hold back. If you’re going to be in the world with the fulness of your heart, it’s hard to hold back. And yet there is some kind of way of holding yourself that is a hedge against this violence to self — which often results in violence to others as well, that’s another layer of this problem that we need to look at. If we’re doing violence to ourselves we’re almost always doing violence to others — to people close to us, friends, family, people who work with us or for us, and in some cases to the larger world of people who consume whatever it is we’re creating.

Stephen Pressfield on Customer Avatars

‘This might not work.’

These four words are what every artist and entrepreneur should be saying as he or she launches their new novel/zombie flick/videogame/Andalusian restaurant.

It might not work. Really. It might bomb big-time.

That’s the chance you and I have to take, if we want to get ahead of the curve. Ahead of the curve is where hits happen.

Ahead of the curve is where the Muse lives.

If we call ourselves artists or entrepreneurs, that’s where you and I have to live too.

Stephen Pressfield

Neil Strauss on the Three Drafts

Whatever you think of the two blokes having the chat, this is an insightful little number from Neil Strauss about the different drafts of a book/article/etc that he’ll write. (found in this conversation).

  1. First draft is for me. Just get it out.
  2. Second draft is for the reader. Focus, clarity, cutting out the darlings, etc.
  3. Third draft is for the haters. What objections will they bring that I can preemptively address?