Live life with less baggage. Find your own way. Be yourself; everyone else is taken.

Hosted by Chase Reeves and brought to you this season by Pakt + Western Rise.

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James Clear on What You Want

In this episode Chase and NYT bestselling author James Clear pull apart the question “what do you want!?” and discuss life after success (and how James got there).


  • 7:46 what it has been like to become successful. How he began.
  • 10:03 James’ worry for content creators.
  • 15:10 the challenge of relevancy.
  • 21:02 “Volume/consistency before intensity.”
  • 27:10 “I’m starting to think the most important thing is to know what you want.”
  • 29:00 Where we waste our energy: chasing status symbols, continuing status quo.
  • 31:27 Let your life speak by Parker Palmer
  • 32:15 what makes a good answer to the question: what do I want?
  • 36:04 The enneagram.
  • 44:55 On setting directions instead of goals.
  • 50:23 James’ minimal travel setup
  • 51:07 Big if true: every thought you have is downstream of what you consume.
  • 58:21 “Life is short, but it’s also long… and you have to live with your choices.” See also: “life begins after 40. Before that it’s just research.”

Chase Lynks:

Corbett Barr & The State of the Creator Economy

On this week’s show Chase and Corbett Barr discuss media, independent digital business, and the state of the creator economy. (Table of contents below)


  • 3:00 Why are people easy to trick, and how is it that creators rule the world?
  • 5:54 “Successful digital media.” One example: The Social Dilemma. Jaron Lanier is the name we were looking for.
  • 13:00 Expertise is the product (still).
  • 17:19 Proving relevancy in a world without gatekeepers.
  • 18:03 Owning your content vs renting platform space: 3 digital elements you can actually own.
  • 20:00 Working the Work: developing consistent creative rhythms and the “Viability Ratio.”
  • 28:00 Resonance resonates… but how does it work? Example Corbett describes.
  • 33:00 Book publishing is the archetype (still).
  • 37:00 Working the Work: developing rhythms of accomplishment.
  • 44:07 “I have an opinion” as a prerequisite for platform.
  • 49:00 Artist fires and the John Baldessari documentary you need to watch.
  • 53:47 You are waiting too long to get started (or not waiting long enough).
  • 58:00 Digital authenticity: making your outside look like your inside.
  • 59:20 Organizing, conscientiousness and this Rectix SNL commercial.
  • 1:01:00 Working the Work: STARTING it working vs KEEPING it working.
  • 1:03:23 Francis Bacon on Arena is a thrilling piece of 70’s media.
  • 1:06:00 Are you (still) imitating other platform successes?
  • 1:08:00 Speaking with your own voice… is simple, not easy (still).
  • 1:11:00 Completely deleting your public history on the internet… here’s how Corbett did it, how it’s going.
  • 1:22:00 What Corbett and Chase got right when they built
  • 1:29:00 Corbett’s productivity tools mentioned: Bear (notes), Trello (projects) and Front (email). RoamResearch also discussed
  • 1:41:00 Jobs to be Done is (still) a worthwhile framework to grok. Here’s a primer
  • 1:42:00 Corbett’s Jura espresso machine

Chase Lynks: