Abraham Verghese on the Key to Your Happiness

“The key to your happiness is to own your slippers, own who you are, own how you look, own your family, own the talents you have, and own the ones you don’t. If you keep saying your slippers aren’t yours, then you’ll die searching, you’ll die bitter, always feeling you were promised more. Not only our actions, but also our omissions, become our destiny.”

Abraham Verghese via @aaron_eddy & Dave Morin

So Hungry About Design

I recently tweeted: I am so hungry these days to learn more about good design…

Then a friend tweeted back: What kind of good design?

This post is sort of a free-flow answer to that question. I could try to organize it, but I don’t have time for that… er… I mean… this is really well thought out art!

Recently I’ve undergone a bit of a re-evaluation of my stuff, my stuff I do for a living, my direction, my center/core, my reason to be, my way to be reasoning. (more…)

Milton Glaser – Ten Things He Has Learned

  1. You can only work for people that you like.
  2. If you have a choice [never have a job](https://chasereeves.net/2011/john-cage-on-never-having-a-job/).
  3. Some people are toxic avoid them.
  4. Professionalism is not enough or the good is the enemy of the great.
  5. Less is not necessarily more.
  6. Style is not to be trusted.
  7. How you live changes your brain.
  8. Doubt is better than certainty.
  9. On aging.
  10. Tell the truth.

This article is great, truly. Such class and charisma and home-cooked, ruddy wisdom. Milton Glaser – Ten Things I Have Learned.

Mike Montiero on The Work You Do

“… as a designer, hell, as ANY type of craftsman, you are responsible for what you help to put in the world. You are defined by the clients you take on, and you can only stand as proud as the work you do and its benefit to society entitles you.”

~ Mike Montiero

Doug Stanhope on advice to comedians…

“He [Joey Scazzola] said ‘Never give anyone advice because you’re only telling them how to be more like you.’ Every time I’ve erred and given someone advice, I remembered that.

If you want advice, you most likely just want someone to reassure you of what you already know. If they tell you otherwise, you’ll either discount it or you’ll take their advice and no longer be following the instincts that got you in this to begin with. So either way, you didn’t need the advice.

But if you really want the advice anyway, you can get it very easily for free without going far out of your way. If there’s one thing that you never have to pay for, it’s some other jerk-offs opinion.”

~ Doug Stanhope

Why I Enjoy Marc Maron

I’m not a ‘podcast’ guy, but I do listen to one podcast, always, without missing a beat. It’s called WTF with Marc Maron. Mark Maron’s been a comedian for over 20 years; he came up with folks like Luis CK and Janeane Garofalo in the 80s/90s. He’s been an upper, downer, outter, and recoverer, and he brings a thorough understanding of what it’s like to be f’ked up and “in process”to his interviews and monologues. What I love about this podcast is that you really get to know Marc over time. He exudes sincerity, heart, and the proper amount of cynicism and you get the feeling that he’s really trying to figure his life out, process his family of origins stuff, decode his f*ckd-upness, and change for the better. (more…)