Louis CK on George Carlin
Wow, some great stuff in here.
It took me 15 years to build this shitty hour – if I throw it away I’ll have nothing.”
Wow, some great stuff in here.
It took me 15 years to build this shitty hour – if I throw it away I’ll have nothing.”
Kurt Vonnegut on the shapes of stories. via Kottke
“The problem with doing a project that’s important to you in your spare time is that there isn’t any.”
Good to hear Jim Coudal recount the journey he and his small company took. He’s got good thoughts.
I was terrified to do this, but I had a blast. Thanks to the girls at @backfencepdx for cajoling me into it.
Here’s a lil’ story I told at an event called Back Fence PDX. The theme of the night was our bodies, ourselves. Catch more of the stories here (don’t miss this one from @laurenweedman. OMG hilarity).
There’s something I love about this video showing crisp, nike-like footage of a middle-age-ish, regular-size-ish guy flubbing about with the soccer ball in one of the most prestigious football grounds in the world.
Is it because this video points to the fact we all have dreams, and, even if they’re “pie in the sky, never gonna happen” we can still indulge a little and feel some of the strain of our bones towards the stuff of legend? It’s like he’s discarding all care and concern for what’s possible, grunting slow laps around the folks who chant “This is ridiculous, you’ll never be a footballer, you’re crazy.” He pushes hard and tries regardless, all the while understanding it’s totally impossible and worth the sweat regardless. Is that why I love this video… because that kind of balance is magic? (more…)
… but creativity isn’t magic. It happens by applying ordinary tools of thought to existing materials.”
This is exceptional. I’m enamored with it on two counts:
Talk about doing the work, right? If you like this, you’ll like the previous two vids in the series.
I’m not a ‘podcast’ guy, but I do listen to one podcast, always, without missing a beat. It’s called WTF with Marc Maron. Mark Maron’s been a comedian for over 20 years; he came up with folks like Luis CK and Janeane Garofalo in the 80s/90s. He’s been an upper, downer, outter, and recoverer, and he brings a thorough understanding of what it’s like to be f’ked up and “in process”to his interviews and monologues. What I love about this podcast is that you really get to know Marc over time. He exudes sincerity, heart, and the proper amount of cynicism and you get the feeling that he’s really trying to figure his life out, process his family of origins stuff, decode his f*ckd-upness, and change for the better. (more…)
Uncontacted Amazon Tribe: First ever aerial footage from Survival International on Vimeo.
wow… via Coudal