Stephen Pressfield on creating and the dark side

“And it almost gets to a spiritual level, where it’s just part of the human condition. Simply put, there are dark forces in religions and views of the world that stop us from ascending to higher levels and stops the higher level from communicating with us. The ancient rabbis and monks and Zen masters recognized that as just a part of life. In America, we’re in this “Go, go, go” power positive thinking society, that we think there’s no such thing as evil or that we can overcome it by the proper social program or going to the right school, etc. But George Lucas was right: The dark force is there. And we have to fight it in ourselves everyday. It’s always there, just like gravity, and it’s always keeping us from being able to fly. Resistance is the same.”

Stephen Pressfield

John Cage on never having a job

“You know, I do know how to prepare for old age. Never have a job, because if you have a job someday someone will take it away from you and then you will be unprepared for your old age. For me, it has always been the same every since the age of 12. I wake up in the morning and I try to figure out how am I going to put bread on the table today? It is the same at 75, I wake up every morning and I think how am I going to put bread on the table today? I am exceedingly well prepared for my old age.”

~ John Cage via Milton Glaser

Abraham Verghese on the Key to Your Happiness

“The key to your happiness is to own your slippers, own who you are, own how you look, own your family, own the talents you have, and own the ones you don’t. If you keep saying your slippers aren’t yours, then you’ll die searching, you’ll die bitter, always feeling you were promised more. Not only our actions, but also our omissions, become our destiny.”

Abraham Verghese via @aaron_eddy & Dave Morin

Mike Montiero on The Work You Do

“… as a designer, hell, as ANY type of craftsman, you are responsible for what you help to put in the world. You are defined by the clients you take on, and you can only stand as proud as the work you do and its benefit to society entitles you.”

~ Mike Montiero

Doug Stanhope on advice to comedians…

“He [Joey Scazzola] said ‘Never give anyone advice because you’re only telling them how to be more like you.’ Every time I’ve erred and given someone advice, I remembered that.

If you want advice, you most likely just want someone to reassure you of what you already know. If they tell you otherwise, you’ll either discount it or you’ll take their advice and no longer be following the instincts that got you in this to begin with. So either way, you didn’t need the advice.

But if you really want the advice anyway, you can get it very easily for free without going far out of your way. If there’s one thing that you never have to pay for, it’s some other jerk-offs opinion.”

~ Doug Stanhope

Marc Maron on The Tragically Heroic Posture

“Just remember when you climb out of the jerk pit with your flowers and chocolate it is a tragically heroic posture. Own it. It is your moment to seize. In that moment your partner may be so taken with your actions that she forgets that your heroic journey is mostly about overcoming obstacles of your own creation that you have brought to the relationship out of your emotional retardation. Grab her, hold her, have sex like animals, throw in some love, intimacy and sensitivity if you have it in you. When you wake up, delay your return to the jerk pit for as long as possible. Try not to go back down before the flowers wilt and the chocolates are eaten.”

– Marc Maron