The Zen of Changing Lanes
Everything I need to know about Zen I learned from changing lanes.
Or, more accurately, not changing lanes.
My onramp to the freeway is a long, two lane stretch with a traffic light at the end.
Everyday I’m a-fluster when I decide which lane to move into. There’s the truck up front on the right side—that’s worth two cars for sure. But the left has two vans. Quick, left!
This happens everyday in the echo chamber in my head. It’s a weird thing to worry about. We all do it.
It’s silly–honestly–to think of how scared we are of picking a lane. Choosing wrong. The finality of it. It’s 37 seconds—I timed it. It’s 37 seconds in the slower lane. 28 in the faster one.
And for what? To get my turn to merge into the bulging freeway so I can wait and worry there about what lane’s best? (more…)