Aaron Draplin on being an approachable designer

“When I met designers and graphic designers and artists and artisans and, sort of, like, these cultural elites, it was this instantaneous, like, ‘Oh my god, I can’t even hang with these people…’ You got this sense of, like, you couldn’t hang with these people. So that’s always scared me about building some life in design. I don’t ever want to be unapproachable.”

Aaron Draplin

Make WDS (or any conference) Better Next Year

World Domination Summit Is very cool. It’s an event at the intersection of entrepreneurial spirit, global citizens, honest living, and matterful business. Here’s a few things I learned…

Full disclosure: I didn’t actually go to any of the conference. I just partied with the good people in town like Nick, Adam, Corbett, Willie, Scott, Mike, Mike, Derek and others. These are my thoughts, notes for myself. Your milage may vary.

There are people who are good to have cocktails with, and there are other people. Focus on the former and don’t feel bad about it. I’ve got too little time to spend outside of family and work to waste any of it on douche bags talking about A/B testing pickup lines. (more…)

Vonnegut on Who We Pretend to Be

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

Kurt Vonnegut via AV Club

Vonnegut has some of the best lines on internet. And they didn’t even start there.

“There’s only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.” How good is that for the distillation of thousands of years of human thought on ethics into a one-liner?

“Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, ‘Why, why, why?’ Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand.” Remember this next time you say to someone, ‘I understand.’

Chrysler’s latest commercials are perfect.

The world is full of HORRIBLE commercials.

You’re right, Samsung, I’ve ALWAYS wanted a phone I can take video on while simultaneously snapping pictures WHILE SKYDIVING THANK YOU FOR FINALLY MAKING A PHONE WORTH BUYING YOU GUYS ARE SO IN TUNE!!!1!

In that world, these commercials from Chrysler (I believe all by W+K) are exceptional. Story, grit, pride, the perception of authenticity…

In a world of shit products and shit marketing those who can turn product into story and story into something I already am and can be more a part of will die with smiles.

My only bummer with this one is the dumb synth strings. If that was real strings in a real room this thing is tears and fist pumping.

The bellman’s nod. The flag flying.

Humble beginnings are… humbling. Too bad they couldn’t get a deep track for this one as well. Probably only meant for a small, Portland audience.