None more matterful…

I think, and I’m not sure about this cuz I’m some dickhead kid, but I think these are the most meaningful words in the world… I think.

“Ring the bells that still can ring /
Forget your perfect offering /
There is a crack in everything /
That’s how the light gets in.”

Leonard Cohen

Stephen Spielberg on when it’s magical

“It’s never magical until people tell you it was magical.”

Steven Spielberg

There’s some great stuff in these interviews via @jonpdx. A little neutered, but I’m hungry for these kinds of interviews.

“I had a point of view about how you could recalibrate the tone of it, and the balance.”

Ron Howard

I like this quote from Ron Howard because it’s my kind of skill: I’m shit-poor at inventing a story, but I’m great at editing and developing, having a point of view about where it should go and how it should get there. This is how he got involved in the movie in the first place. I thought that was cool.

Banksy on artists and advertisers

“The thing I hate the most about advertising is that it attracts all the bright, creative and ambitious young people, leaving us mainly with the slow and self-obsessed to become our artists.. Modern art is a disaster area. Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little.”

Banksy via RobinHood Ink.

Not that I agree… Just that I’m always surprised to find myself listening so closely when this guy says something.

A web guy on why he sands the underside of a cabinet

“It takes me longer than it should to build websites because I’m all picky about things being proper. I’m a bit like the furniture maker who sands and varnishes the underside of a cabinet. Yes, that’s right; it’s a bit stupid and isn’t a ‘viable business model.’ I wish I could be ruthless and churn out rubbish, but I can’t, which is why I eat out of bins and can’t afford to put the heating on.”


His site’s a good read.

Everything is a remix

… but creativity isn’t magic. It happens by applying ordinary tools of thought to existing materials.”

Kirby Ferguson

This is exceptional. I’m enamored with it on two counts:

  1. It’s made so well
  2. It’s content is fascinating

Talk about doing the work, right? If you like this, you’ll like the previous two vids in the series.