Josh Ritter on The Books

“So throw away those lamentations we both know them all too well. If there’s a Book of Jubilations we’ll have to write it for ourselves. So come and lie beside me baby, let’s write it while we still got time.”

Josh Ritter

Paul Saffo on The “Creator” Economy

“Now we are entering a third age in which the central economic actor is someone who both produces and consumes in the same act. I like the term “creator,” as this new kind of actor is doing something more fundamental than the mere sum of their simultaneous production and consumption. Creators are ordinary people whose everyday actions create value.

[…] Thus, just as the time clock symbolized the producer economy and the credit card the consumer economy, the computer mouse is the symbol of the emerging creator economy.”

Paul Saffo viaPierat

Ben Chestnut on Business and Passion

Do what you love is not the same as love what you do.”

Ben Chestnut

You always hear people say, ‘do what you love, do what you love.’ That’s partly true, but if it’s business, if you start a business doing what you love, it will kill you, it will kill your passion.

If you like to bake and you start a bakery, you will hate baking very soon.

I like ‘love what you do’ better because, it’s kinda like, wherever you are just be good at it, embrace it, love it, and eventually success will find you.

I actually kind of believe that.

But you never forget your passion.”

Gene Wolfe on The Part That is More

“No one can say what that means, [to take someone’s life]. The body is a colony of cells. Divided into two major parts, it perishes. But there is no reason to mourn the destruction of a colony of cells: such a colony dies each time a loaf of bread goes into the oven. If a man is no more than such a colony, a man is nothing; but we know instinctively that a man is more. What happens, then, to that part that is more?”

Gene Wolfe Shadow of the Torturer