Julianne Moore on Little Flames

“Acting is like this little flame. If someone comes along and says, ‘this is what I think!’ they might just blow it out and then you can’t reach it anymore.”

Julianne Moore

Reminds me of what it’s like to have any idea, creative or commercial or a mix of the two.

The Reeve Will Watch the Manor

“Originally in Anglo-Saxon England the reeve was a senior official with local responsibilities under the Crown e.g. as the chief magistrate of a town or district. Subsequently, after the Norman conquest, it was an office held by a man of lower rank, appointed as manager of a manor and overseer of the peasants. In this later role, historian H. R. Loyn observes, “he is the earliest English specialist in estate management.”

[…] Each unit had a court, and an officer to implement decisions of that court: the reeve. Thus different types of reeves were attested, including high-reeve, town-reeve, port-reeve, shire-reeve (predecessor to the sheriff), reeve of the hundred, and the reeve of a manor.”


My last name is Reeves, so I found this lil’ wiki article a hoot. I have always had a knack for estate management.

What Samuel Beckett Wants

In 1932 a friend (Walter Lowenfels) asked Beckett, “You sit there saying nothing while the world is going to pieces. What do you want? What do you want to do?” Beckett, according to Bair, “crossed his legs and drawled: ‘Walter, all I want to do is sit on my ass and fart and think of Dante.’”