Another cutting floor snippet

“I keep staring at the pile of my pants next to my Ikea chair… they look like my life right now: sturdy Levi’s, not yet completely broken in, cheap brown belt that’s put in way more time than it should have… the whole thing at the same time awkward and graceful, leaning and bundled and thrown and drifted down into something comfortable looking. Zipper splayed open, pockets full of technology and loose change and receipts I hope my wife doesn’t find… These pants represent me, they’re the introduction. They’re not broken in yet… like me: a young guy, newly whispered into the right way to do this dad and husband thing. They’re blue, like me… you know, deep and shit.”

I wrote this while a little heady off some Fernet… Thought it needed to live somewhere – so, here it is.

As with the previous snippet, this one’s from an upcoming book-ish thing I’m putting together.

Go Read This: Megan Amram on passion & cool

“We are coming of age in a culture not of un-enjoyment, but of anti-enjoyment. Passion is not just superfluous – passion is weakness. If you like things, you might like the wrong things, and then you’re WRONG with a capital “DOUBLE-U” with a capital “D”, and then you’re BAD and ugly and FAT and SUPER FAT. The Internet can’t figure out whether it wants to beatify things or damn them, so it just gets all sorts of contentious. Contention on the Internet is silly in the worst sense of the word. […] If the Internet is a super highway, we all have road rage.”

Megan Amram

Steve Jobs on life, death, heart, intuition

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”


Notice what you fear

There’s a saying about comedians, something about how they become funny people because they’re afraid of others laughing at them, so they spend their lives controlling when and where those laughs happen.

There’s underlying fears we’re really afraid of. These fears aren’t easy to talk about, they’re actually scary. They’re raw fears, like the fear of a lost 4 year old who really believes he’ll never see mom again. (more…)