6 Lessons: Leaving the White Picket Fence for Travel Life
Chase and Mellisa Reeves discuss lessons learned on leaving the white picket fence for a lifestyle of travel as a family.
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- 1:13 How long we’ve been travelling
- 5:38 Point 0: knowing what you want… do you know what you want? Are you heading out on the road to discover what you want?
- 6:52 Point 1: uncertainty is not the same thing as insecurity.
- 20:25 Point 2: intimacy concerns…
- 25:52 Point 3: Everyday relationships are as important as the place you’re living and the things you regularly use.
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- 33:41 Point 4: insights about finding time for creative projects and taking care of your self.
- 47:07 Point 5: your default rhythms will show themselves on the road… (the real beginning happens when you burn through your fantasies and expectations).
- 54:08 Point 6: traveling helps you find out which relationships can thrive in what conditions.
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