TextExpander Snippet for Gmail Compose Page (without inbox) — plus some thoughts on email

It’s finally happened: my inbox has become a problem. More on this below.
But first, here’s a lil’ textexpander snippet to take you to a compose message for your gmail account WITHOUT pulling up the inbox… helpful when, like me, you get sucked into the incessant sucking sound of your inbox.
Set that up for something like ;gmc
(for GMail Compose) and use it when you write an email instead of opening up your inbox.
Up to now email has been relatively easy. Spam hasn’t been a problem for me, the demand wasn’t much larger than the supply, etc.
Now that I’m at the helm of a successful business and a relatively large blog, my inbox is full of stuff.
The hardest part: it’s full of good stuff. Earnest people honestly trying stuff, struggling with their businesses, taking chances on themselves, inspired and motivated by something i’ve written or said somewhere.
I love these people so hard, you guys. And I’m being forced to grow up a little.
In a recent interview with gary veynerchuck, Gary said the thing that scares him the most is knowing that the practices that have built his business to now won’t scale to where he knows the business is going.
I’m so so so much smaller than him, the demands of my inbox so so so much smaller… but I resonate with the thought.
So i’m brushing up on some classic email triage skills… trying to honor the earnestness and desires of those writing to me while honoring my own humanity.
Humanity is like that… limited with the ability to reach for so much.
They’re writing in, reaching with their lives, hungry for a shred of “you’re not alone, when I was there this helped…” I was there. I reached out and mostly never got an email back, but sometimes I did hear back and those were intensely meaningful conversations for me.
And at the same time, humanity is always limited… it’s important to stay in your skin, keep your feet on the ground, listen to your body, not overextend yourself, over-reach. Doing so leads to mania and craziness and unhappiness and too much activity for worse and worse orgasms.
So, anyways… yea, textexpander… pretty cool.