List of Mac apps to transfer to new computer

I recently got into a new laptop. It’s not like the old days – now I need to be able to spin up the new ‘puter into a big boy professional workhorse as quickly as possible.
So I’ve created this list of apps and data to help me remember what I need to consider so’s I don’t miss anything important. These are roughly in order.
I’m posting it here in case you find it helpful. Also, so I’ll be able to find it next time I get a new ‘puter. <!—more—>
Last update: 2016-12-14
- Grant Mac username admin privileges (so i can move things into the root directory without needing a password… like a boss).
- show Allow Apps from Anywhere in Security Pane:
sudo spctl --master-disable
- remove dock delay
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 && killall Dock
- Macintosh HD > Cmd+I > permissions set to “read and write”
- System Preferences > Keyboard > “Key Repeat” all the way to fast. “Delay” all the way to short.
- System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > select “All controls” at the bottom
- System Preferences > Keyboard > shortcuts > Accessibility > click invert colors
- System Preferences > Sharing > turn on Screen Sharing and File Sharing
- Sys Prefs > Internet Accounts > login to Google acct.
- Finder > Cmd+, > set some preferences here (new finder window: Downloads, Search: current folder
- Calendar > Enable gCal Acct. Then: View > Show Calendar List > right-click birthdays > Get Info > Disable Alerts
- Apple’s Messages… open and setup google account
First Apps
- Chrome
- Dropbox (choose selective sync in preferences and remove syncing of /htdocs/fizzle)
- Sizeup (enable it in Sys Pref > Security & Privacy > Accessibility) – start at login
- 1Password — license in gmail, data via Dropbox
- add 1PW Fizzle vault as well
- TextExpander — license in Gmail, data via Dropbox
- Textmate & Bundles
- Flux
- Quicksilver – start at login
- Caffeine
- 7zip
- Go to Meeting
- Spotify
- Sonos Controller
- Skype
- Ecamm Call Recorder — Download link in 1Password
- Backblaze — connect external hard drives
App Store Apps
- Ulysses — install this theme
- Cloud — start at login
- Fantastical — start at login, change keyboard shortcut (cmd+opt+control+F), Make gCal default calendar, default alerts (message 15m, email 1hr)
- Evernote
- DayOne — sync with DayOne service
- Byword
- Marked — get custom CSS from ~/Library/Application Support/Marked
- Transmit — sync dropbox in preferences
- Tweetbot
- Sip
- iBooks Author
- Skitch
- App Cleaner
- The Unarchiver
- Logic Pro X
- Final Cut Pro X
- Compressor
- Motion
Design Stuff
- Photoshop (CS Cloud) — cmd+shift+k > monitor color > uncheck “ask”. View > Proof Colors to Monitor.
- (Save actions from old PS if necessary)
- Load actions, brushes, patterns from Dropbox/Apps/Photoshop
- FontExplorer X Pro — License in 1PW.
- preferences > import > “keep finder folder structure.” Then drag in Dropbox/Apps/Font-Foundries folders.
- If you want: remove some system fonts using this method. (Disable SIP, remove/copy fonts elsewhere, empty trash, re-enable SIP).
- Deactivate a bunch of the crap in User Fonts
Webdev Stuff
- set Apache folder to Dropbox/htdocs.
- copy end of httpd.conf from old computer (make sure file structure is same!)
- choose if you want to copy old database or just rebuild from production (db symlink)
- Hosts File… copy from /etc/
- Tower
- CodeKit
- ImageOptim
- Firefox
- Follow instructions for Vagrant + Ansible in htdocs/fizzle/deploy.
- Copy over /fizzle/local-config.php
- Copy over /fizzle/forums/conf-local.php
Audio/Podcasting Stuff
- Logic Pro X from App Store
- Export Key Commands from old puter.
- Copy files from ~/Music/Audio Music Apps
- Motu Audio Driver (for 4pre)
- Audio Hijack Pro — 1PW
- ID3 Tag Editor – Serial in 1PW
- Izotope and other plugins
- /FS/_Common Assets to Macintosh HD
Video Stuff
- Final Cut Pro (App Store)
- Preferences: 3.79 still images, .24 transitions, background render off
- bring over Motion Templates from ~/Movies
- Motion (App Store)
- Motion Menu > Download Content (or here)
- Manually copy Motion Templates from ~/Movies
- Compressor (App Store)
- Manually copy Settings from /library/application support/compressor
- Screenflow – Serial in 1PW
- Manually copy over projects from
Photo Stuff
- Lightroom (CS Cloud)
- Lightroom > Preferences > Presets > store presets with this catalog
- Lightroom library and catalogue in
- Lightroom develop settings (in
~/pictures/lightroom/lightroom settings
- Google Photos — watch folder at /
Folders To Sync Manually
- Documents
- Movies
- Music (iTunes too)
- Movies
- Services Menus –
- keyboard shortcuts for MD services (screenshot)
- Sync iPhone