A brief intro to EDM music (and trancey productivity)

In the deepness of the introduction sound, right around 12 seconds in… you know how you can feel the space the melody starts to make? That stretching out, the emotion? That’s what made me fall in love with electronic dance music. It turns me into a fired up 6 year old.
I love how in this video they juxtapose the bigness of Above & Beyond’s sound with the smallness, the human-ness of these individuals… and the ABSOLUTE GLEE MAKING dancing of the indian family… and the focus of the runner…
I’ve been geeking out about this electronic music stuff since my first DJ Shadow napster steal. But I just recently went to my first show and had a much better time than I expected I would.
It’s great music to work to… if you haven’t yet, here’s my recommendations on where to start:
Above & Beyond’s Group Therapy Podcast. (Mixcloud, iTunes) Above & Beyond are, by far and away, my favorite crew to listen to. They just seem to have a greater sense of emotion and meaning in their music than other EDM artists. This free podcast is the best 2 hours of music you can buy. I typically listen to each episode 3 or 4 times as I’m working. That’s definitely one reason I’ve fallen so hard for this music.
Gareth Emery Podcast. (Site, iTunes) Gareth tends to mix in more heavy “bangers” than A&B but his mixes are always great.