Coffee is For Closers (Can I Get My Check Now?)

“Is Baldwin’s character a jerk or a savior? […] The secret is at the beginning, at 0:15, where it is revealed that Alec Baldwin doesn’t feel any of this, the whole speech is a work. If you were in that room, some of you would understand this as a work, but feed off the energy of the message anyway, welcome the coach’s cursing at you, “this guy is awesome!”; while some of you would take it personally, this guy is a jerk, you have no right to talk to me like that, or — the standard maneuver when narcissism is confronted with a greater power — quietly seethe and fantasize about finding information that will out him as a hypocrite. So satisfying.”
Very interesting article. Polarizing. More than it appears to be. Regardless of how I feel about the thing as a whole, I’m firing myself. I have a week to win my job back.