Frank Chimero on Marketing

I don’t expect to reach or change anybody I don’t already know. I realize there’s potential for that, but I don’t expect it.”
This has been rattling around my brain since I’ve heard it. In Fizzle I keep encouraging folks to think small, small, smaller. If you think about women who ride unicycles to work in north portland you can a). find those people easily (there are 10 of them), b). study and serve them well in small and meaningful ways that c). make a serious impact on that crew.
But in our online growing stuff — marketing stuff — for Fizzle and ThinkTraffic and, shit, even this blog, my mind defaults to “i need more people” mode.
Getting in front of new folks.
Making a good impression on them.
Creating an emotional experience with them on the page.
Making it easier and more enjoyable for them to find us.
But when I heard Frank say this I knew it was True™.
We still need to grow (maybe that’s another question to explore), but we can do it more like a family or a neighborhood than a “startup.”