The Dot & The Line: Some Gorgeous Screenshots

The Dot & The Line is a classic cartoon. It’s touching, smart and gorgeous. I was searching for good screenshots of scenes from the cartoon so I could ruthlessly steal from color choices because I’m a designer and that’s what I do, and couldn’t find any good ones. So below are screenshots of some of my favorite scenes from the cartoon.
A note on orange: Fizzle was the first identity I’ve built with orange as the main color. Turns out orange is an insane color… the hardest I’ve worked with to date. Put it with black and it’s halloween. The line between neon and mustard is wildly thin. It’s a hard color to work with. Most of the shots below have some sort of orange in it because I’m always curious about how others use orange.
Geometries: Now begins a series of wonderful geometric shapes. This is the line discovering what he can do.
Closeness: I love this little sequence showing the cuddling of the dot and the line. She moves close, slides up and around him, and as she does the yellow square changes color… super sexy.
The best for last: And finally, my absolute favorite shot is this one.