15 for 15

For the next 15 days I’m going to do a little experiment — one you may be able to make fun of me for for the next 15 years. I’m OK with that; it may be worth it.
I’m going to sit down for 15 minutes each day and try to think about my breath alone and get all heebie-geebie and Chopra’s scarf-ish. Then I’m going to record a 5-15 minute podcast.
You’ll be able to follow along at this podcast feed or right here on the blaugh.
In this first episode, thrill as our protagonist discovers what’s perceived beyond the walls — it’s, like, Matrix-y and stuff. Enjoy.
1. The void has a heartbeat
2. Young and old
3. The stoney janitor & Tony Robbins™
4. Get small to be big
5. Crash and flow
6. Visualizing stoney, small successful people
7. Long Island vs main street
8. My definition of freedom
9. I broke my own rule
10. The three kinds of work time
11. Doobies
12. Tracy Jordan is an ocean
13. The fence, the french and the fucking point
14. A story you believe in
15. Fanatasies
P.S. I’ve done a thing on meditation at least once before. So, like, I’m qualified.