The One Marketing Question You Need To Ask

You want to kick some ass with a product? Want to build a brand that makes money and lasts a long time? Want to build a legacy your kids can inherit? Just discover a true (and good) answer to this one question: Who are you and what do you stand for in the world.
This video does a better job at describing this than just about anything… due to the presentation, sure, but also due to the important context. This is Steve Jobs presenting Apple’s new advertising campaign. Watch it, it’s worth your attention. First time I saw it it gave me the chills. (does that make me a fanboy? I think this is just that good.)
So, what’s your answer to the question? I think it takes a long time to figure it out. You’re a rock, and you’re getting chiseled down to someone who can say something true about yourself. Make it happen! Say something true.
A special thanks to @willieljackson for finding this vid