Quick Reason To Love Soccer: John Cleese

It’s football season. I’m not much of an NFL fan, though my family has always supported the Niners through thick and thin, but I am into another kind of football.
I put up a video yesterday about John Cleese on creativity, and speaking of John Cleese, here’s a funny lil’ bit about the difference between American football and the sport we call “soccer.”
Here’s some quotes of the action in the video:
The wonderful thing about football is how creative it is. This is why it never caught on in America.”
This is the Dick Cheney version of creativity. Otherwise known as doing exactly what you’re told.”
So, you get 4 seconds of exteremely violent action and then the only genuinely creative activity involved: a beer commercial.”
American football is played like a series of advertising jingles, while soccer is played like jazz.“
This obviously comes off a bit ugly and off-putting, but if you can get past the humor and sentiment, there’s some real gems in here.
Soccer is a lot like jazz. I’ve never thought about it like that, and now that I have, I’m even more excited about it.
The English Premier League just started up a few weeks back. Who’s your team? Do you hate the emerging American love of international soccer? Does it feel as retarded as the whole fixed-gear bike thing to you? Me too.
But I love it.